1966 James W. Finney, et al.
"Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids From Experimental Animal and Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide"
James W. Finney, M.A., Bruce E. Jay, B.S., George J. Race, M.D., Harold C. Urschel, M.D., John T. Mallams, M.D., and George A. Balla, M.D., F.I.C.A.
April, 1966
Volume 17
Pages 223-228
A quote from the following paper...
"Examination of aortas taken at autopsy from patients who had been treated with intra-arterial hydrogen peroxide for extended periods of time showed an increase in elasticity, a decrease in subintimal lipid deposits, and a reduction in number and severity of atheromatous lesions in the infused area when compared to the noninfused area."
[Comment from author/webmaster James Paul Roguski: This is my favorite study of all.  These researchers found a potential cure for heart disease way back in the 1960s and absolutely no one seems to care! For further information on 'cholesterol' and heart disease, please visit my other website...]





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