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- 1888 I.N. Love, M.D.
- 1890 Robert T. Morris, M.D.
- 1892 Walter B. Johnson, M.D.
- 1892 George H. Pierce, M.D.
- 1892 Thomas H. Manley, M.D.
- 1896 Warren Brown, M.D.
- 1896 W. Scheppegrell, M.D.
- 1896 M.F. Coomes, A.M., M.D.
- 1901 R.A. Reid, M.D.
- 1920 Oliver, Cantab, & Murphy
- 1922 McLeod & Gordon
- 1947 Edward Carl Rosenow
- 1957 R.A. Holman
- 1962 Mallams, Finney, & Balla
- 1964 George A. Balla, et al.
- 1965 Harold C. Urschel et al.
- 1966 James W. Finney, et al.
- 1967 Hiroshi Sasaki, et al.
- 1967 Harold C. Urschel Jr.
- 1968 Dahiya & Speck
- 1968 Seymour J. Klebanoff
- 1968 Jones & Suggett
- 1969 T.E. Miller
- 1972 Boveris, Oshino & Chance
- 1975 R.K. Root, et al.
- 1980 Thorne, et al.
- 1980 Nathan & Cohn
- 1981 Repine, Fox & Berger
- 1981 Nathan & Cohn
- 1981 Father Richard Willhelm
- 1983 A.J. Kemper et al.
- 1986 Charles H. Farr M.D., PhD
- 1993 Anonymous!!
- 1994 Ben-Yoseph & Ross
- 2003 A. Cardone, et al.
- 2009 Kaichi Yoshizaki, et al.
- 2009 Michael P. Murphy
- 2009 Otter & French
- 2009 C. Rogez-Kreuz et al.
- Fascinating
Dr. Charles H. Farr, M.D., PhD |

1927-1998 |
Intravenous hydrogen peroxide is a treatment believed to be a near-panacea
by some practitioners of alternative or integrative medicine. There was a small flurry of interest in the intra-arterial infusion
of hydrogen peroxide during the 1960s, when researchers tested its use in humans and animals for regional oxygenation to enhance
the susceptibility of tumors to radiation therapy. Enthusiasm for the technique waned thereafter, as evidenced by the absence
of subsequent studies in the English literature, and by the absence of clinical use of hydrogen peroxide for these purposes
in the 1970s.
Since the late 1970s, a small group of practitioners has advocated the use of intravenous infusions
of hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of indications. Their rationale is based largely on the research and clinical experiences
of the late Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD (1927-1998). A true champion of this therapeutic method, Charles H. Farr is often referred
to as the "Father of Oxidative Medicine." Dr. Farr
discovered "a positive metabolic effect to intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide," and authored an
impressive workbook on the subject. In his workbook, Dr. Farr introduced his case for intravenous infusions of hydrogen
peroxide as follows: "Its ability to oxidize almost any physiologic or pathologic substance, in addition to producing
increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, has proven it to have therapeutic value." He noted that hydrogen
peroxide "is produced by all cells of the body for many different physiological reasons." He cited its
role in the destruction of infectious pathogens by phagocytes, and mentions that it is "involved in many metabolic
pathways which utilize oxidases. . . and hydrogen peroxide is involved in protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, immunity,
vitamin and mineral metabolism, or any other system you might wish to explore." His fundamental thesis might be stated: "Because of its importance in regulating multiple
metabolic functions, hydrogen peroxide could best be described as the ‘Master Regulating Molecule’ of the body."
To download Dr. Farr's landmark report, "The
Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide", click on the link below.
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide by Charles H. Farr
One of the clearest studies Dr. Farr performed
was a simple, controlled study in which he gave intravenous H2O2 to patients with “Type A/Shanghai influenza”
during the winter of 1989–1990. He reports that 20 treated patients lost an average of only 0.25 days from work, compared
to an average of 2 lost days for those in the control group. You can view the complete results of this study by clicking
on the link below.
FREE DOWNLOAD: Rapid Recovery From TypeA / Shanghai Influenza Treated With Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide
Emboldened by his successes with intravenous
infusions of hydrogen peroxides and because of his careful observations of his patients and a deep desire to help relieve
them of their painful symptons, Dr. Farr experimented with direct injections of hydrogen peroxide to treat a myriad of ailments.
To download Dr. Farr's paper on the injection of hydrogen peroxide into painful trigger points, click on the link below...
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Use of Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide to Inject Trigger Points, Soft Tissue Injuries and Inflamed Joints
Farr was a founder and director of the International Bio-Oxidative Medical
Foundation (IBOMF) and its close affiliate, the International Oxidative Medicine Association (IOMA), which shared information
through conferences, advertisements, and research. The First International
Conference of Bio-oxidative Medicine was held February 17-19, 1989 in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. Physicians presented papers
on the efficacy and safety of hydrogen peroxide infusions. The non-profit International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation
grew rapidly, attracting many physicians who also presented scholarly reports based on their work with patients.
In 1999, the IBOMF/IOMA listed 87 members. After
Dr Farr's passing in 1998, the IBOMF/IOMA was absorbed into another group with whom he was closely affiliated,
the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), under the category of "Oxidative Medicine." To share his deep understanding of "Oxidative Therapies" with open minded members
of the medical profession, Dr. Farr often conducted instructional seminars and provided protocols and informational brochures
to interested doctors and patients. To download Dr. Farr's Patient Brochure "Oxidative Therapy", click on
the link below...
FREE DOWNLOAD: Dr. Farr's Patient Brochure: "Oxidative Therapy"
In 1998, Charles Farr declared, "no longer is the double-blind
study the gold standard in medicine," because "alternative treatment protocols can significantly improve the health
status of a group of chronically ill patients, compared to a normal population, regardless of their diagnosis, in a time span
of only six months."
Dr. Farr recommended H2O2 for myriad problems, including influenza, bronchitis,
herpes zoster, asthmatic reactions, Epstein-Barr virus, CMV, HIV, type II diabetes, COPD, vascular disease, arthritis, chronic
pain, Alzheimer’s disease, toxic dementia, Parkinsonism, migraine headaches, and immune regulation. Elsewhere in the
text he stated that H2O2 can change hypothyroidism to euthyroidism, remove atheromatous plaques, protect ischemic myocardium,
convert ventricular fibrillation, abort an impending stroke, and destroy tumor cells. He found that the intravenous infusion
of H2O2 is "an important therapeutic tool for every physician." Dr.
Farr found that his regimen was wonderfully safe: "No significant acute toxicity has been observed in several hundred
patients, some receiving up to 40 to 50 infusions with concentrations up to 0.3% [several times his recommended concentration].
. . . Also, no chronic or long term toxicity has been observed up to two years post-multiple infusions. This suggested intravenous
infusions of Hydrogen Peroxide is extremely safe and has a very wide therapeutic range." "Each physician,
as they [sic] become more experienced using intravenous hydrogen peroxide, will develop their own protocols commensurate with
their type of practice and objectives." “We have given intravenous infusions of hydrogen peroxide in a variety of pathological
conditions. Infection, allergy reactions, flu syndromes and other toxic phenomena had rapid improvement from their morbid state with infusion of hydrogen peroxide without further treatment. No distinct group of patients
or classifications of disease at this time can be considered the ‘proper selections’. Since intravenous
infusions of hydrogen peroxide provide oxygenation to highly toxic tissue, kill or inhibit certain bacteria, yeast, viruses,
protozoa and parasites, and, since it has a stimulatory effect on the immune system, many different pathological conditions
seem to respond to intravenous peroxide therapy.” (Charles H. Farr, M.D.,
In 1978, Farr founded a company, “Bio Pro, Inc.,”
that sells alternative medicine products. Farr’s widow, Skoshi Farr, still runs the company.