Below is a sample letter for you to send to your
"favorite" politician.
copy it, add in your politician's name and your name, and send it to them.
The following information has recently come
to my attention and I would like to now bring it to your attention.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has been shown
to be very beneficial in the treatment of quite a large number of very serious diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, emphysema
and influenza. Unfortunately, the government, the medical establishment and the news media have, at best, ignored this information
and, at worst, systematically attempted to hide this knowledge from the American public.
I want you to DO SOMETHING
to expose this coverup.
Please understand that this is not merely my opinion. These are scientific facts!
Enclosed you will find an abbreviated list of peer-reviewed, scientific studies that have been published in respected medical
journals. They all document the benefits of various treatment protocols using food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Why does our scientific community not conduct further experiments to learn more about the work that has already been done
by these admirable, pioneering scientists?
Why does our medical establishment ignore these treatments?
Why has the FDA blatantly denied that this information exists?
Why does the FDA prevent doctors from applying
these treatments and why does it attack those who do?
It is in your power to investigate this situation.
Please do so ASAP.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.
The references listed here are clear scientific proof that Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is beneficial
to human health. These experiments have been conducted by qualified scientists at respected medical and educational
institutions throughout the United States and the world. Their independent work has been ignored and has even been denied
by “the powers that be” in our government, our medical establishment and by the news media.
take the time to learn a little bit more about this travesty and how it may have important implications for your health, the
health of your family and friends, and quite literally, the health of our country and our entire world!
A simple
search via the National Institute of Health’s Pub Med system lists over 40,000 published studies in addition to these
listed here!
(enter ‘hydrogen peroxide’ as a search criteria)
“A Method of Destroying a Malignant Rat Tumor In Vivo”,
R.A. Holman,
Nature, May 18, 1957, number 4568, page 1033
“The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide as a Source
of Oxygen in a Regional
Intra-Arterial Infusion System”, J.T. Mallams, M.D., J.W. Finney, M.A.
and G.A. Balla,
M.D., Southern Medical Journal, March 1962, volume 55.
“Application of Hydrogen Peroxide Infusion to Maxillary
Hiroshi Sasaki, Tadao Wakutani, Sikayuki Oda and Yasuo Yamasaki,
Yonago Acta Medica, volume 11, number
3, pages 141-149
“Role of Oxygen-Dependent Mechanisms in Antibody-Induced Lysis of
Tumor Cells by Activated
Macrophages”, Carl Nathan and Zanvil Cohn, J.
Exp. Med, Volume 152, July 1980, pages 198-208
Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide In Vivo”, Carl F. Nathan and
Zanvil A. Cohn, J. Exp. Med., Volume 154, November, 1981,
“Damage to Candida Albicans Hyphae and
Pseudohyphae by the
Myeloperoxidase System and Oxidative Products of Neutrophil Metabolism
In Vitro”,
Richard D. Diamond, Robert A. Clark and Christian C.
Haudenschild, J. Clin. Invest, November 1980, Volume 66, pages 908-917
“Killing of Aspergillus Fumigatus Spores and Candida Albicans Yeast
Phase by the Iron-Hydrogen Peroxide-Iodide
Cytotoxic System:
Comparison with the Myeloperoxidase-Hydrogen Peroxide-Halide System”,
Stuart M. Levitz and
Richard D. Diamond, Infection and Immunity,
March, 1984, volume 43, number 3, pages 1100-1102)
“Cardiac Resuscitation with Hydrogen Peroxide”, Harold C. Urschel, et.
al., Supplement II to Circulation,
volumes XXXI and XXXII, October
“Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids From Experimental Animal
Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide”, James W.
Finney, et. al., Angiology, April,
1966, volume 17, pages 223-228
“Cardiovascular Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide: Current Status”, Harold
C. Urschel, Jr., M.D., Diseases of the Chest, February, 1967, volume
51, pages 180-192
of Arteriosclerotic Obstructive Cerebrovascular Disease
with Hydrogen Peroxide”, Harold C. Urschel, Jr., M.D.,
et. al.,
Vascular Surgery, volume 1, number 2, pages 77-81
“Protection of the Ischemic Heart with DMSO
Alone or DMSO with
Hydrogen Peroxide”, J.W. Finney, et. al., Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 1967,
volume 151, pages 231-241
“Release of Hydrogen Peroxide by Granulocytes as a Modulator of
Platelet Reactions”,
Peter H. Levine, Ronald S. Weinger, JoAnn Simon,
Kristine L. Scoon and Norman I. Krinsky, The Journal of Clinical
Investigation, April, 1976, volume 57, pages 955-963
“Hydrogen Peroxide Elicits Pulmonary Arterial Relaxation
and Guanylate
Cyclase Activation”, Theresa M. Burke and Michael S. Wolin, American
Journal Physiology, Heart
and Circulatory Physiology, 1987, volume
252, issue 4, pages H721-H732
“Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Developing Plaque and Gingivitis in
Man”, Jan Wennstrom and Jan Lindhe,
Journal of Clinical
Periodontology, 1979, volume 6, pages 115-130.
“Effects of Topical Hydrogen Peroxide
on Caries Incidence and
Bacterial Agglomerate Formation in Rats”, R. Schmid, A.R. Firestone,
and H.R. Muhlemann,
J. Dent. Res, July 1980, volume 59, number 7,
“Endotoxin-Inactivating Potency of Hydrogen
Peroxide: Effect on Cell
Growth”, Frank A. DeRenzis, J. Dent. Res., May, 1981, volume 60,
number 5,
pages 933-935
“Peroxide of Hydrogen and its Use in Ear Diseases”,
Walter B. Johnson,
M.D., The Journal of the American Medical Association, October 29,
Use of Peroxide of Hydrogen in Diseases of the Nose, Throat and
Ear”, W. Scheppegrell, A.M.M.D., The Medical Record,
August 8, 1896
“The Use of Hydrogen Peroxide to Clear Blocked Ventilation Tubes”,
Arnold K. Brennan,
M.D., Ruth M. Milner, M.A., Cynthia R. Weller,
M.A., The American Journal of Otology, January, 1986, volume 7, number
1, pages 47-50
“Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide in Experimental
B.M.L. Kapur and S.C. Arya, Ind. Jour. Med. Res., December, 1967,
volume 55, number
12, pages 1281-1284
“Peroxide of Hydrogen as a Remedial
Agent”, I.N. Love,. M.D., Journal
of the American Medical Association, Volume 10, Number 9, March 3,
pages 262-265
“The Necessary Peroxide of Hydrogen”, Robert T. Morris, M.D., The
Journal of the
American Medical Association, August 9, 1890, page 216
“Some of the Uses of Peroxide of Hydrogen in General
Surgery”, Thomas
P. Manly, M.D., New England Medical Monthly, December, 1892
“Peroxide of Hydrogen”,
Warren Brown, M.D., The Medical Sentinel of
Portland, Oregon, February, 1896
“Studies on the Parenteral
Administration of Hydrogen Peroxide”, A.L.
Lorincz, M.D., J.J. Jacoby, M.D. and H.M. Livingstone, M.D.,
Volume 9, 1948, pages 162-174
“The Supersaturation of Biologic Fluids With Oxygen by the
of Hydrogen Peroxide”, B.E. Jay, J.W. Finney, G.A. Balla
and J.T. Mallams, Texas Report Biol. & Med., 1964,
Volume 22, pages
“Peripheral Blood Changes in Humans and Experimental Animals Following
Infusion of Hydrogen Peroxide into the Carotid Artery”, J.W.
Finney, G.A. Balla, G.J. Race, and J.T. Mallams, Angiology,
volume 16, pages 62-66
“The Oxygenation of Blood by Hydrogen Peroxide: In Vitro Studies”,
D.C. White and P.R. Teasdale, Brit. J. Anaesth., 1966, Volume 38,
pages 339-344
“Comparison of Effects
on Tissue Oxygenation of Hyperbaric Oxygen and
Intravascular Hydrogen Peroxide.”, Norman B. Ackerman, M.D.
and Floyd
B. Brinkley, B.S., Surgery, February, 1968, volume 63, number 2, pages
Oxygenation with Hydrogen Peroxide”, John A. Awad,
M.D. and Wilfrid M. Caron, M.D., Journal of Surgical Research,
1969, Volume 9, number 8, pages 487-491
“Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Biomembranes”,
T. Ramasarma,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1982, Volume 694, pages 69-93
“Formation and Reduction
of a ‘Peroxy’ Intermediate of Cytochrome C
Oxidase by Hydrogen Peroxide”, John M. Wrigglesworth,
Biochem. J. ,
1984, volume 217, pages 715-719
of Hydrogen as a Hoemostatic”, M.F. Coomes, A.M.M.D.,
Louisville Medical Monthly, September, 1896
Peroxide as a Topical Hemostatic Agent”, Fred M. Hankin,
M.D., et al., Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,
June, 1984,
Number 186, pages 244-248
Cytolysis by Activated Macrophages and Granulocytes -
I. Pharmacologic Triggering of Effector Cells and the Release of
Hydrogen Peroxide”, Carl F. Nathan, Linda H. Brukner, Samuel C.
Silverstein and Zanvil A. Cohn, J. Exp.
Med., January, 1979, volume
149, pages 84-99
“Extracellular Cytolysis by Activated Macrophages and Granulocytes -
I. Hydrogen Peroxide as a Mediator
of Cytotoxicity”, Carl F. Nathan,
Linda H. Brukner, Samuel C. Silverstein and Zanvil A. Cohn, J. Exp.
Med., January, 1979, volume 149, pages 100-113
“Hydrogen Peroxide Metabolism in Human Monocytes During
Differentiation In Vitro”, Akira Nakagawara, Carl F. Nathan and
Zanvil A. Cohn, Journal Clin. Invest.,
November 1981, volume 68, pages
“The Effect
of Intra-Arterial Hydrogen Peroxide in Rabbits Infected
With Clostridum Perfringens”, Bruce E. Bradley, et.
al., The Journal
of Trauma, Volume 5, Number 6, 1965
“Killing and Lysis of Gram-negative Bacteria Through
the Synergistic
Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide, Ascorbic Acid and Lysozyme”, T.E. Miller,
Journal of Bacteriology,
June, 1969
“Hydrogen Peroxide Mediated Killing of Bacteria”, Dennis P. Clifford
and John
E. Repine, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 1982, volume
49, pages 143-149
“Influenzal Pneumonia: The Intravenous Injection of Hydrogen
Peroxide”, T.H.
Oliver, M.A., B.Ch. Cantab, M.D., and D.V. Murphy,
M.B., The Lancet, Feb 21, 1920, pages 432-433
“Vicarious Absorption of Oxygen in Pulmonary Obstruction”, R.A. Reid,
M.D., The Massachusetts Medical
Journal, September, 1901
“Killing of Blood-Stage Murine Malaria
Parasites by Hydrogen
Peroxide”, Hazel M. Dockrell and John H.L. Playfair, Infection and
Immunity, January,
1983, volume 39, number 1, pages 456-459
“On a Simple and Painless
Treatment of Warts”, M. Manok, Cumulated
Index Medicus, Hautarzt, September, 1961, volume 12:425, Germany
“The Peroxide of Hydrogen (Medicinal); An Indespensable Wound
Sterilizer”, George H. Pierce, M.D., New England Medical Monthly,
November 1892
“Use of Intra-Arterial
Hydrogen Peroxide to Promote Wound Healing”,
G.A. Balla, M.D., et. al., American Journal of Surgery, November 1964,
Volume 108, pages 621-628
The following monograph was never published in a peer-reviewed
but it should definitely be reviewed by anyone interested in
learning about hydrogen peroxide.
Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide and its
Adjunctive Use in EDTA Chelation Therapy”, Charles H.
Farr, M.D.,
PhD., (A Review, Clinical Experience and Experimental Protocol, 1986)
For more detailed information,